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Escaping the day-to-day to push physical and mental limits, read what guests before you have enjoyed and endured on their own Shackleton Challenge.

At the end of this experience I truly felt as if I had conquered a side of myself that didn’t believe intense physical challenges were something for me.


The things we learn about ourselves when we are forced to rely on simply our bodies and our minds to keep moving forward and survive in the most desolate of environments are unmatched. It’s those lessons I’ll take with me back into everyday life, but also the inarguable proof that my physical and mental strength is far more than I ever gave myself credit for.

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Out on the frozen Finsevann lake, a blizzard has set in. Winds reaching 45mph howl around our convoy of skitourers, each kitted out in polar-grade jackets and pulling a plastic pulk (a low-slung Nordic sled) that’s carrying our camping equipment for the night ahead. Visibility is very low; with the horizon obscured, depth and distance evaporate. My world becomes small and somehow serene.

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Wendy's words ring in my ears as our group reach the sheltered plateau on which Louis wants us to camp.


I felt a huge appreciation for the natural world and people who encompass the spirit of endurance.


There really is nothing quite like the satisfying exhaustion of pushing yourself physically and mentally and achieving more than you ever thought you could – and this was just a taster of the Polar Skills Challenge experience.

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The ice crystals in my hair quickly melted, but my sense of personal polar pride remains at a plateau. By endurance we do conquer, it seems.

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It was probably the best experience of my life so far.


I climb onto the snow train back to Bergen with rubied cheeks, wind-lashed lips, stiff triceps and a heart-shaped bruise on my thigh from the time a gust flung me down with my pulk. But I also have a quiet, warm feeling of satisfaction.

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The journey is as much inward as it is outward.


This Challenge was FANTASTIC. I am very pleased with the organisation of the trip; what we accomplished and the training and feedback from guide, Simon Abrahams. I really enjoyed the rock climbing training, the ice training on Mer de Glace and the hike both to the hut and up Gran Paradiso.

This Challenge really pushed me outside my comfort zone and was exactly what I needed to continue with my training for future polar adventures.

The Challenge far exceeded my expectations. You tend to have a vision of what the experience will be like, only to realise when you get there you only had a small notion of it, which is great as it keeps you guessing and when you get to the destination you're really wowed.

Really pushed me outside my comfort zone.



I just wanted to thank you for setting up such an amazing experience - life changing and life affirming.

In a world of instant everything, latest gadgets doing this and that - this was the perfect antidote and a reminder that experiences like this are a true gift - and this one ranks right at the top.

I think it’s frequently in the aftermath of an experience like this, that you truly can appreciate how special and unique the time was.

Trying to articulate the experience in words without cliches is a challenge in itself - but the immersion into such a stunning environment, spending time with such an incredible group of people - is something that I will never forget.

From an experience perspective it has been one of the most memorable weeks of my life - learning new skills, igniting a passion that I didn’t realise that I had, sharing the time with amazing people - both the members of the expedition and the course leaders - it felt like we’d all just connected immediately.

I think Louis and Wendy were superb - being rank amateurs in the shadow of these epic explorers - not once did they make you feel inferior or inexperienced - they were just great mentors and the passion they have radiates off them.

Life-changing and life affirming



I wanted to say thank you for an amazing, life changing week. I have come back re-energised and recharged. The whole Shackleton team was brilliant and I felt so privileged to be part of it. I would love to do another challenge at some point.

I thought it would be concentrating more on the physical aspects i.e. Day 1: grab a pulk and off you go. I was not expecting there to be such a large 'learning & development' component. This was the part that exceeded my expectations. I came away with more knowledge and new skills than I expected to.

It was a seamless experience. Maybe it was because I was one of the privileged participants to have taken part in the first challenge but I could tell that the Shackleton team were really passionate about a) us having a good time b) the company and c) the polar community. This was evident in everything done by the team.

I have come back re-energised and recharged



I particularly enjoyed spending 6 days together with polar expedition legends!

My expectations were high beforehand but I was blown away by the quality of the experience from start to finish.

I also loved the after-dinner lectures in the historic library setting, hearing from modern-day polar greats in the very room where all the historic polar legends would have planned their trips. Obviously the expedition itself was tough but was such an exhilarating experience to be putting into practice everything we had learned and to feel like true polar adventurers!

The hotel was exceptional from the food and staff to its historic significance.

I came away with a spirit of adventure fired up in me and a determination to do more outside of my comfort zone.

Thank you to the whole team for a truly amazing experience that I will never forget. I will always look back on a truly unforgettable week where I got to humbly follow in the ski tracks of legends of the polar world.

I was blown away by the quality of the experience from start to finish



I loved the informal yet professional atmosphere and getting to know the leaders and learning from their experience. I really felt like I was part of something special and had been welcomed into some kind of club!

This challenge was also about learning something about myself and testing my comfort zone to see if this was something I could take further. The enjoyment came from the realisation that I was achieving something and learning new skills.

Prior to the challenge, I thought that perhaps there might be more of an ‘us’ and ‘them’ between the leaders and the rest of the group. I wasn’t expecting to be able to spend so much time with Louis and Wendy and for them to be so interested in our motivations for being there and supportive of any aspirations to go on to bigger things. It was so valuable to be able to engage with them in an informal way and to get inspired from their stories and experience.

I also wasn’t expecting the extra touches, such as the letter from Shackleton's granddaughter, which added to the overall sense of really being part of something.

The time went so quickly that when I left, I just didn’t feel ready to leave. It was like I’d learned all these new skills and now I was desperate to stay and continue to improve.

I also feel really grateful to have had the opportunity to take part in something like the Polar Skills and to have connected with such a fab group of people.

I really felt like I was part of something special



Last week's trip to Norway was just phenomenal.

The whole experience was exactly what I had hoped it would be - if not even better. You have 2 absolute superstars. Louis and Wendy setting the standards and running the experiences you are in very safe hands. They are both extremely skilled leaders and guides….speak so passionately about the future of Challenges and being able to introduce both the brand as well as adventure to fresh eyes.

Just phenomenal