Martin Hewitt
Martin Hewitt is the founder and leader of the inspiring Adaptive Grand Slam team. A group of disabled adventurers on the road to becoming the first disabled team in history to complete the epic Grand Slam challenge.
Martin is the founder of Adaptive Grand Slam, a team of disabled explorers looking to push through the boundaries of common opinions of what a man can and can’t do by completing the famous Explorers Grand Slam. The challenge consists of climbing the tallest peak in each continent as well as trekking to both Poles of the earth. Martin and his team are over half way through their immense task, having tackled Mount Everest in May 2019 with the help of a Shackleton Erebus jacket.
"Through our endeavours we can demonstrate that one can still achieve great things. If one has support, drive and determination, a debilitating injury should not stop you from reaching your goals."
Martin served for eight years as a commissioned officer with the parachute regiment, working on operations and training exercises across the globe, from America to Africa to the Middle East. Martin sustained an injury when leading his men in combat in Afghanistan that left his right arm paralysed and ended his military career. He didn’t let it hold him back though.